Elf-Boi.com SITE GUIDE

It's finally happened! The Grand Opening of the Elf-Boi website!
Welcome, friends. Whether you're from Tolkien TikTok or have found me through my time as a Wizards Unite YouTuber (WUtuber), I appreciate you checking out this website. I've taken great pains to make it sparkly and easy to navigate, so I hope everyone enjoys exploring. To help with that, here's a basic breakdown of what you can find here and WHERE you can find it.
FOR ALL MAJOR UPDATES: Sign up for the Elf-Boi Newsletter/Mailing List at the bottom of any page. I only send occasional emails about new products, new services, and any sales or discount specials I run. I'm a zero-spam boi.
FOR BLOG POST UPDATES: You can subscribe to different sections of this blog by copying the following links to the RSS feeds. If you've never followed a blog using RSS, please download an RSS Feed Reader app or browser extension (like this one) before copying the links below! Putting them into your feeder app will add them to your list of blogs to follow.
- News ⮕ https://elf-boi.com/blogs/news.atom
- Tolkien Musings ⮕ https://elf-boi.com/blogs/tolkien-musings.atom
- Elvish Freebies ⮕ https://elf-boi.com/blogs/elvish-freebies.atom
- Essential Oils ⮕ https://elf-boi.com/blogs/essential-oils.atom
- Personal ⮕ https://elf-boi.com/blogs/personal.atom
HOME PAGE: highlights, latest updates, new products, major announcements
CONTENT PAGE: basic social media presence + playlist links (to YouTube, since I don't have the playlist feature on TikTok at the time of this post)
ELVISH ⮕ RESOURCES: links to many resources for those who want to learn more about Elvish, Tengwar, Tolkien's world, and even how to convert dates from the modern Gregorian Calendar to the Calendar of Imladris
ELVISH ⮕ TENGWAR TOOLS: a list of tools to help you practice your Tengwar. All links are affiliate links and help support the site
ELVISH ⮕ WORKSHOPS & COURSES: My own video courses are still in development, but I have links to existing courses for both Neo-Sindarin (Fiona Jallings) and Neo-Quenya (Helge Fauskanger).
BLOG PAGE: self-explanatory, LOL
CAUSES PAGE: links to various causes I believe in and recommend you support if you're so inclined. These will change periodically.
ABOUT ⮕ WISHLISTS/FANMAIL: because a few asked, I have Amazon Wishlists and a PO Box where you can send stuff. Be kind!
ABOUT ⮕ CONTACT: where you can poke me about commissioning custom translations
And, because it's more complex, here are some notes about the entire STORE section:
- Pre-Orders: For products I make based on level of interest (like the Middle-Earth essential oil blends), please be sure to pre-order!
- Starscapes: These are my hand-painted glass products. There are sections for Astral (normal), Custom, and Bangtan for pendants with the BTSxARMY logos for KPOP stans.
- Essential Oils: I take great care when formulating my essential oil blends! Different sections for Potions Class (Harry Potter potion-inspired blends) and Middle-Earth oils (LotR to start, more series if there's interest).
- Geeky Niche Merch: Separate sections for various series of merch I've released. You can explore the series here, but all links will take you to my separate (Tee)Spring store for merch purchases!
- Non-Apparel Merch: On-site listings for bookmarks & keychains, plus links to (Tee)Spring store sections for mugs, tumblers, stickers, etc.
Whew! There's a lot to explore! I hope everyone enjoys the website. A blog post will follow that highlights all the NEW products that have launched with the start of this website, so keep an eye out for that. There will also be posts in the Essential Oils section for each of the new LotR-inspired Middle-Earth blends!
Welcome, and thank you so much for supporting me here online!
~WizardWayKris, Resident Elf-Boi
Explore Elf-Boi Offerings

Essential Oil Blends
From Potions Class to the vast realms of Middle-Earth, explore exquisite essential oil blends that will wisk away your senses.

Geeky ★ Niche ★ Merch
Don't miss all the fantastic merch! Follow this link to see the different series, and then explore the links to products on my (Tee)Spring store!